
Bank Interview Questions

1. Introduce yourself
2. How to prepare a Profit and Loss account for a firm
3. What is break even analysis
4. What is the speciality of your native place
5. What attracts you towards a banking career
6. What are the functions of a bank
7. Which was the first bank in India
8. What is meant by nationalisation of the banks
9. Who was the Prime Minister at the time of nationalisation
10. List the names of nationalised banks in India
11. What is ATM and who invented it
12. What will be the cost to start an ATM and how do it helps banks
13. What are the functions of RBI
14. Who is the RBI governor now
15. What is inflation
16. What is Repo and Reverse Repo
17. What is CRR
18. What is liquidity ratio
19. What is Black money
20. Why do you want to join this bank
21. Tell about yourself
22. What is so special about your state compared to other states in India
23. What is your opinion about higher education system in your state
24. Why do you want to join a bank after doing BTech
25. How is computer knowledge useful in banking
26. Which are the two states having the same capital in India
27. What is the speciality of january 26 th
28. What is mobile banking
29. What do you mean by CBS
30. What you mean by IPO
31. What is GDR
32. What is dematerialisation
33. What is money market
34. Who is the current head of IMF
35. What is inclusive growth
36. Why you want to join a bank after doing a MBA
37. What are SMEs
38. What is Rupee closing value yesterday
39. What is Euro closing value yesterday
40. What is GBP closing value now
41. What is Trade deficit
42. What is SEZ
43. What is the minimum land required to setup a SEZ
44. Why companies setup SEZ
45. What is IRDP Scheme
46. What are the functions of a bank
47. What is India's forex reserve
48. How can we increase the foreign reserve of the country
49. What is balance sheet of the company
50. What is RR ( Repo Rate )
51. What is CRR
52. What is reverse RR
53. What is SLR
54. What are the tools with RBI to control liquidity in market
55. What is the historical significance of the place you live
56. Tell something about the financial crisis in America
57. Why joining banking sector
58. When was the State Bank of India established
59. Who is the chairman of our bank
60. Who is the chairperson of RBI
61. Who is the owner of this bank at present and with what percentage of shares
62. What wwas the name of the first bank established in India
63. Why were banks nationalised
64. What is Bank Rate
65. What is PLR and who decides them
66. What is NRE account
67. Where is the note printing press situated
68. Explain monetary and fiscal policy in brief
69. What is the total number of PSU banks in India
70. Name any two banks which have overseas cenrte
71. Which one would you prefer: Syndicate bank posting you in rural areas or 

IOB postin you in metros. Why ???
72. What is NPA
73. How many times have you cleared a bank exam
74. What is CRR
75. Who is the finance secretary
76. Why did you choose Public sector bank for the job while Private sector bank 

is paying heavy salary to its employee ???


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