

Reasoning questions are an important part of Bank exams and can be the deciding factor. Here we discuss some facts to Remember while attempting reasoning ability part in the Bank Exams.The common type of questions asked in Reasoning part include:-
  •  Arrangement of words,
  •  Representation through Venn-diagrams (Choose the next pattern based upo the shown sequence)
  •  Comprehension questions
  •  Number & symbols ordering (Choose the next from a set of words or numbers)
  •  Statements & conclusions ( Select the true answer from the Interrelated sentences)
  •  Statements & assumptions (To choose an assumption of meaning from a given set of statements)
  •  Statements & actions (To choose a decision from various options after understanding the given situation).
Order of solving the questions is very important. The tough ones should be done after the easier ones (first two parts are considered relatively easier).
Understand properly before solving. Logical Reasoning differs from Comprehension passages in that you must understand every word of the question in logical reasoning while passages often discuss unfamiliar theories and terms that you don’t actually need to Know. Students make mistakes whilecarelessly skimming in reasoning questions. So understanding properly before solving is important.
Although you need to read every word still every word isn’t important. The only important words are that derive either the evidence or conclusion of a particular argument. For example, read this- “Tacos often contain a variety of things such as chicken, beans and cheese. No two tacos have one ingredient to another in the same proportion. Thus, any two tacos can be distinguished from each other by their taste.”
Here, the first sentence is neither the evidence nor the conclusion - it’s just the background information that you need to understand the meaning of the argument. We know this sentence is unnecessary, so we can cross it out. This requires lot of practice.
While practice questions, to distinguish between answers you’re sure about and those where you’re guessing is a good deal, even if the guess is confident. If you’re not fully sure for an answer, put a “/” next to it. A question where you’ve chosen the answer to be either “A” or “D” (and you’ve eliminated other options) would be written as “D/A” and your answer for a question when you’re more confident about “A” than “D” would be “A/D” or vice-versa.
This will help you measure your performance more accurately and will provide guidance for review. Tracking the question-types you consistently miss is necessary to effective studying.
Remember that practice with a right direction is the key to success in any exam. So keep practicing!!
A few topics included in reasoning section are Blood relations, Directions, Coding Decoding,
Analytical reasoning, Series, Critical reasoning, Cubes, Data interpretation, Data Sufficiency etc.
Tips to prepare for Reasoning:
1. Think different ways while solving the problem.
2. Don’t take more than 45 minutes to solve this section.
3. If you get stuck on one question , move on to the other
4. Think logically
5. Try to answer some (for qualifying) questions only in this section