
How to prepare for “Test of English Language” with in 15 to 30 days?

How to prepare for “Test of English Language” with in 15 to 30 days?
Test of English Language
This paper is often considered to be very difficult for regional medium candidates; the questions are much tricky, making all answers seems to be right. It is always better to learn the basics of the language before a competitive exam, but let us see some tips when time is less.
First let us see topics and number of marks expected from each topic-
(common both for PO/Clerk Exam and pattern IBPS/SBI Ass. )

Topics                                                                                   Marks
  1. Introduction and Basic grammar.
  2. Sentence Correction.                                            5-10 Marks
  3. Tenses, Article.                                                       5 Marks
  4. Sentence Completion.                                          5 Marks
  5. Jumbled Sentence.                                                5 Marks
  6. Spotting errors                                                        5 Marks
  7. Wrongly Spelt                                                          5 Marks
  8. Cloze Test.                                                                 10 Marks
  9. Comprehension & Vocabulary.                        10 to15 Marks
  10. Descriptive    (only for POs)

How to score more?

“Billion dollar question” the above topics 1 to 8 covers portion for English, but try to workout only few important topics when time is less  (if accessible, workout a couple of previous papers)

  1. Correction of Sentence.
  2. Jumbled Sentence.
  3. Sentence Completion.
  4. Spotting errors.
  5. Cloze test

All these 5 topics are important one can expect 5 marks from each topic; avoid comprehension, reason any small mistake in the grammar of an essay or an article can change the meaning of the sentence entirely; need more marks include

Daily 20 – 40 new words only new words write their meaning (synonyms) and antonyms on a paper both in English as well as in your regional language.

One need not go for university standard English grammar books just read daily news paper article of editorial page, business and financial column that also helps gain expertise in general awareness/current affairs, try at secondary school English standard.

How to prepare to get very easily around 30 marks?

When preparation time is too less, tryout just three (3) topics

  1. English basic grammar (Parts of speech)
  2. Comprehension
  3. Vocabulary

However people want to start well in advance for bank examination here are few suggested reading

  1. High School Grammar – Wren & Martin.
  2. Objective English – R. S Agarwal.
  3. English is Easy – Chetan Anand Singh.
  4. Objective English – Edgar & Thorpe.